10 March 2012

First blog post and why you shouldn't read it

I'm not going to go back and read Wil Wheaton's post to get ideas of what to say, but it's a very similar thing. Basically, this is mostly for me. There will be little organization, few posts, and probably not much of interest. I wanted a blog for a while but didn't have enough to say to motivate me to create a blog. That hasn't really changed, but it's a lot easier to create a blog now than when I first considered it.

Of the little I'll post, it's likely to pertain to food, computers, firearms, my dog, or whatever else I feel like posting. I don't expect to post all the trivial stuff I do - that's what Facebook is for. This will mostly be things that don't fit well in other places, like the food I created and didn't want to describe in 140 characters to fit on Twitter.

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